But don't take my word for it...
Working with Jacquelynne has been nothing short of incredible!
She has an intuitive sense that is only matched by the level of joy and passion that she brings to your sessions! Each [Elemental Blueprint] session helps you understand yourself and your gifts more deeply.
You'll simultaneously feel amazing about who you are while understanding where the opportunity is in your life.
If you have the opportunity to work with Jacquelynne, jump on it immediately!
Sean Carey, D.C.
Precision Chiropractic
Newburyport, MA
I had the most amazing 'Spark of Life' session with Jacquelynne.
Jacquelynne worked through my chakras and helped me to detox my system of stuck energies. After an hour of very intense purging and reconnection to spirit, I stood up strong and clear. I had my mojo back!
My thoughts and emotions felt neutral, manageable and grounded. My physical body felt lightweight and energized.
I was able to get back to my life swiftly and with ease. The few days before our session, I had been struggling to focus in meditation. Afterwards, I was able to perform additional healing work on myself and further rebuild my energy.
Jack was also so kind as to check in on me and re-clear any remaining 'stuff' for the following few days after our session. I'm forever grateful for her gifts, generosity of spirit and compassionate techniques.
Stephica Burton
nikki martin
When I think about what's happened since my space clearing, I'm floored!
It's funny. I got the space clearing for the physical premises, but think it actually gave me the courage to end my marriage and create significant changes.
I never felt I could do that before.
I've made more money since and rarely give money a second thought now, whereas in my relationship it was all encompassing.
My life is unrecognisable now compared to a year ago. I'm unrecognisable compared to a year ago.
Nikki Martin
Sydney, Australia
"Powerful and effective..."
I work with healers all the time and I can say Jacquelynne's ability to hold space and clear energy is powerful and effective.
In just 20 minutes, I was relieved of both physical pain and energetic stress.
Highly recommend her!
Elizabeth DiAlto
Creator of Wild Soul Movement
“This month was the best my business has seen so far!”
Jacquelynne worked some serious magic. The feedback? Spot on. The results? Priceless.
I launched a new program that hadn't been feeling 'ready'.
We searched for months for someone to drywall my new office; within days of the clearing we had an appointment scheduled.
My pup stopped chewing stuff up and became a sweet lil' member of the family.
This month ended up being the best my business has seen so far!
I can't recommend Jack and her skillz (yep, with a Z) highly enough. She's the perfect support in my corner and ace up my sleeve.
Deana Welch
With Jacquelynne, what you see is what you get...
With Jacquelynne, what you see is what you get - a refreshingly honest, warm, and delightfully feisty spirit who has mastered the art of clearing the yuck to make room for the good.
In other words, she's a GREAT person to have on speed-dial ;)
Nikki Elledge Brown
The Communication Stylist® and Creator of A Course About Copy®
Host of the Naptime Empires™ podcast